A Glimpse into the Light of Life
CL Thomas
The Journey of the Heart Series Volume X
The Great "I Know You Can"
A gray day became light rays speckled in glistening glory. It had been a day not as it should be on earth for, injustice ruled in a land where greed lust and vanity reigned. But I and the Holy Spirit, we had truth in love.He was my Father able to give glory and power to my created giftings, and He said to me Just try victory on for size. "I can give ability to all of the visions I have portrayed before you, I can give life and hope to your dreams, your heavenly promises. And I said: "I know You can." He replied: "then try victory on for size."
He gleaming through my heart in heavenly, holy visitation, His heart was shining with and through mine in to view the light ship on a peaceful harbor as the rays of light coming through our two hearts. He said: "all be the I know You can in your life. " As I stood with David," said the Holy Spirit, even in the face of impossibilities, victory will be mine and ours. So try victory on for size. I'll be with you wherever you go, I promise."
So even in the gray day and facing a monster I knew He would be the glove in the hand, and I would be victorious through it all. The Holy Spirit portrays daily visions of His heart for me and His children on the earth. The visions I write consist of truth in love and life. Not of the world is life, but of the Father of life. And as I follow my heart and am lead by a loving, heavenly family they are the victory over the world.
Shining brightly through my heart as I interpret and write their heart for the children of the earth, seekers of love for a life abundant, above, victorious.
It is the Holy Spirit that portrays abundant life, I simply write the visions.
C. L. Thomas
267 KB
50 pages
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